Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why I didnt Blog... and why i intend to start again

I have been a thinker and a dreamer for as long as I can remember. I am also a perfectionist but that is the perfection I expect from others and have no intention of supplying it myself :) What I like best is to be left alone to think and dream till I get bored of it and seek out human company. The range of topics that interest me are truly diverse. This is also reflected in my reading interests which covers Economics, business affairs, human affairs, biographies, philosophical, contemprory, classics... I often ponder serious questions such as 'Does God Really Exist' - I think most probably not, What should be the role of government in civil society?, Why do we buy the kind of stuff we buy? As you can see when you have time to think and no intention of acting on anything you may choose to meditate about whatever catches your fancy :)
Now for such a prolific idler one expects that it would be fairly easy to blog, right? After all, blogging is just writing down your thoughts one thought-sequence at a time. After all, what to write is the major problem for most people but for me the content comes naturally - it is the taking the effort to put it down which is such a big challenge. Also, knowing the person I am I refuse to do stuff unless I see some use for myself in it. If 10 people guarantee me that they will read my blog every week and promise to think better of me for my blogging I might still do it. But doing favors to strangers by telling them about myself is not my idea of spending leisure time!
So then the question is 'Why am I writing this?'. Well its probably because I wish to put some structure to my thinking and blogging (or indeed writing of any sort) requires you to do precisely that. The challenge I am facing now is what to and what not to say here, what is the order in which I should queue up all these indisciplined thoughts in my head and also holding
back some information to reveal in my next post. Chalo, I am bored now... Till I come back again.. Adios! :)

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